Bob and Sarah and the McBean and the A Word

Our family of three and how we deal with the everyday challenges in our Minnesota life of raising a child with Autism.

Friday, April 24, 2009


This has been the week of appointments. Monday we meet with the psychiatrist to talk about the McBean's meds. So far it seems that we picked the right one. The McBean is doing great on the Ritalin and not having any adverse reactions or weird mood swings on it. It is probably because I was totally prepared to have to try5-10 different ones before we found the right one. I am so hopeful. Right now the Ritalin (a fairly low dose) just seems to take the ADHD edge off. He's still the same McBean, put with a bit more patience and not as much "wild man."

Yesterday morning we saw the ENT to follow-up about the fluid in McBean's ear. While one ear is completely clear, the other still has fluid. Luckily it is not infected. The ENT gave us a few options, but we decided to go with a wait and see. We are going to check his ear again in August and if it hasn't drained on its own by then, we will probably get tubes put in. So here's hoping that it takes care of itself over the summer because I really hope to avoid any surgery with the McBean.

Then in the afternoon we saw our psychologist, who we all love. We are so proud of the McBean. He is doing so well and has made such an improvement from this time last year. He did so well at Disney and with meeting and spending time with all of my family. While we know that there will be rough times ahead, at least we will be better equiped to handle them.

Tomorrow the McBean and I are headed to an Autism resource fair put on by the Autism Society of West Shore at GVSU in the Fieldhouse from 10-noon. Then my parents will be in town to deliver a couch to my brother and then have a visit with us. Bob is busy closing up his residence halls for the end of the semester.


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