Bob and Sarah and the McBean and the A Word

Our family of three and how we deal with the everyday challenges in our Minnesota life of raising a child with Autism.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 Weeks

Our McBean is coming back to us on Saturday. Bob and I have enjoyed our couple time (lots of dinners out, a movie, golf, and a Whitecaps game tonight), but I am ready for us to be a family of 3 again. Bob and I de-junked the McBean's room and picked up a couple of new Star Wars toys and 2 new Star Wars comics to welcome him back. It is a good thing that the comic book store is about 30 minutes away, or all 3 of us would be spending lots of time there.

I am trying to get geared up for the start of first grade. The school sent home a supplies list, so I am looking forward to taking the McBean shopping. Hopefully it will get him ready as well. We also need to readjust his schedule so that he is in more of a routine. We also need to have him practice his writing and his cutting (the 2 things that he struggles most with in school). He has been reading like a champ, so that is the one place that we are not concerned.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Temporarily Child-less Once Again

The McBean is off again this morning with Grandma and Grandpa. A road trip to Kentucky to see Bob's sister. He is at such a complicated age. Part of him is still such a little kid, yet I see glimpses of the teenager within. This morning as he was getting ready to leave I asked him if he wanted to wear his hat. He said yes and took the hat I had given him, but then went to his room. From there he chose a different hat, went to the bathroom mirror, then spent a few minutes adjusting the hat. On backwards. He just looked so grown up.

He put on his backpack, more filled with books than toys, and walked off to the car with Grandma and Grandpa. I had to ask for a kiss goodbye. I am torn between being so proud of his independence and bravery and sense of adventure and already missing him.

Bob and I will certainly enjoy our 2 weeks of couple time, but I will be ready for my McBean to be home.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Growth Spurt

I think that the McBean is going through some kind of growth spurt or something. He has lost his two front bottom teeth and has several other wiggly ones. He is also eating like crazy and is unusually tired and cranky in the morning, even though he is going to be at his normal time. His feet look gigantic to me and he is really tall. Thank goodness is is summer and he is wearing shorts, otherwise he would need new clothes for his long legs.

Bob and I had a great time in Baltimore. It was great to get away for a few days, and the weather was perfect. I walked all over the Inner Harbor and we ate lots of seafood. The McBean had a fun time with Grandma, Papa and the cousins. He ran around outside, was a master at the Slip 'n Slide, and had ice cream everyday. He is off again in a week and a half with the other Grandma and Grandpa to visit Aunt Nicki in Kentucky.

I have put pictures from out Baltimore trip and from the July fourth on our shutterfly page at